605.06 Technology-Appropriate Use

605.06 Technology-Appropriate Use


Because technology is a vital part of the school district curriculum, the Internet will be made available to employees and students. Appropriate and equitable use of the Internet will allow employees and students to access resources unavailable through traditional means.

Students will be able to access the Internet through their teachers. Individual student accounts and electronic mail addresses will be issued to students. If a student already has an electronic mail address, the student may, with the permission of the technology department, be permitted to use the address to send and receive mail at school.

The Internet can provide a vast collection of educational resources for students and employees. It is a global network which makes it impossible to control all available information. Because information appears, disappears and changes constantly, it is not possible to predict or control what students may locate. The school district makes no guarantees as to the accuracy of information received on the Internet. Although students will be under teacher supervision while on the network, it is not possible to constantly monitor individual students and what they are accessing on the network. Some students might encounter information which may not be of educational value. Student Internet records and access records are confidential records treated like other student records. Students’ Internet activities will be monitored by the school district to ensure students are not accessing inappropriate sites that have visual depictions that include obscenity, child pornography or are harmful to minors. The school district will use technology protection measures to protect students from inappropriate access, including sites that include obscenity, child pornography or are harmful to minors.

The school district will monitor the online activities of students and will educate students about appropriate online behavior, including interacting on social networking sites and chat rooms. Students will also be educated on cyberbullying, including awareness and response. Employees will provide age appropriate training for students who use the Internet. The training provided will be designed to promote the school district’s commitment to:

  • ·         The standards and acceptable use of Internet services as set forth in the Internet Safety Policy;
  • ·         Student safety with regard to:

o   safety on the Internet;

o   appropriate behavior while on online, on social networking Web sites, and

o   in chat rooms; and

o   cyberbullying awareness and response.

  • ·         Compliance with the E-rate requirements of the Children’s Internet Protection Act

Employees and students will be instructed on the appropriate use of the Internet. Parents will be required to sign a permission form to allow their students to access the Internet. Students will sign a form acknowledging they have read and understand the Internet Appropriate Use policy and regulations, that they will comply with the policy and regulations, and that they understand the consequences for violation of the policy or regulations.

In compliance with federal law, this policy will be maintained at least five years beyond the termination of funding under the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) or E-rate.

Adopted: Unknown
Revised/Reviewed: 7.23.2020

Revised: 11.20.2023 


mameyer@hcsdcy… Fri, 10/25/2019 - 09:33

605.06.E1 Internet Access Permission Letter to Parents

605.06.E1 Internet Access Permission Letter to Parents

Harlan Community Schools

Internet Use and Regulations Letter to Parents

NOTE:  ONLY if you are moving from one level to another (middle school to high school) or new to the school district, please complete and return the permission form, either granting or denying your son/daughter permission to access the Internet.

Dear Parent/Guardian:

The Harlan Community School District would like to offer your student access to the electronic means of communication known as the Internet.  The Internet is a collection of interconnected computer networks.  The vast domain of information contained with Internet’s libraries can provide unlimited research opportunities to students.

Students will be able to access the Internet through their individual accounts.  Student electronic mail is provided primarily for school use.  Personal use is allowed; however, failure to abide by school guidelines and inappropriate use of the internet will result in the cancellation of the student’s account.

Student use of the Internet and district network resources may include the posting of student work or images to district publications including web sites.

Students will be expected to abide by the following network etiquette:

  • The use of network is a privilege and may be taken away for violation of school/classroom policy.As users of the Internet, students may be allowed access to other networks.Each network may have its own set of policies and procedures.Students must abide by the policies and procedures of these other networks.
  • Students must respect all copyright and license agreements.
  • Students must cite all quotes, references and sources.
  • Student use of “chat rooms” is prohibited.
  • Students must apply the same privacy, ethical, and educational considerations utilized in other forms of communications.
  • Students who “steal” the passwords of others risk removal from the network.
  • Students who share their passwords with others risk removal from the network.
  • Internet and electronic mail will be monitored electronically.
  • The Harlan Community School District will cooperate with any law enforcement agency investigating the inappropriate use of the Internet.

Remember that electronic mail is not private.  Never send private or confidential material.  Students must adhere to the following electronic mail guidelines:

  1. Read and download or delete email on a regular basis.
  2. Report offensive messages immediately to the classroom teacher.
  3. Use of vulgar, abusive or threatening language is prohibited.
  4. Email broadcasting can be used only with the permission of the classroom teacher.

We are enclosing a permission form.  If you are moving from one level to another (middle school to high school) or new to the school district, please complete and return the permission form, either granting or denying your son/daughter permission to access the Internet.

A copy of the Internet Appropriate Use Violation Notice is also enclosed.  Students who access and/or download inappropriate/objectionable items or send messages with vulgar/abusive/threatening language while on the Internet shall be subject to the consequences listed in the Notice.

If further information is desired, please feel free to contact your building level administration.



mameyer@hcsdcy… Fri, 10/25/2019 - 09:33

605.06.E2 Internet Appropriate Use Violation Notice

605.06.E2 Internet Appropriate Use Violation Notice


Student ________________________________ 

Administrator ___________________________ 

Date ___________________________________

Student Violations; Consequences and Notifications:

Students who access and/or download inappropriate/objectionable items or send messages with vulgar/abusive/threatening language while on the Internet shall be subjected to the following consequences:

____    First Violation:

      For the first violation during the school's fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), a verbal and written "First Violation" warning notice will be issued to the student by the principal's office using the prescribed form.  The student will be assigned to 5 hours of school service.  A copy of the notice will be mailed to the student's parent/guardian by the building principal's office and a copy kept on file in the principal's office. 

____    Second Violation:

      Upon the second violation during the school's fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), a verbal and written "Second Violation" infraction notice will be issued to the student by the principal's office using the prescribed form.  The student will be assigned to 10 hours of school service.  A copy of the notice will be mailed to the student's parent/guardian by the building principal's office and a copy kept on file in the building principal's office.

____    Third Violation:

      Upon the third violation during the school's fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), a verbal and written "Third Violation" infraction notice will be issued to the student by the principal's office using the prescribed form.  The student will be subject to disciplinary measures which may include, but are not limited to, detention, suspension, probation, and expulsion.  A copy of the notice will be sent by registered mail to the student's parent/guardian by the building principal's office and a copy kept on file in the building principal's office. 

The administration and the Board of Education reserve the right to deviate from the suggested progression of consequences if the severity of the offense deems that appropriate.

mameyer@hcsdcy… Fri, 10/25/2019 - 09:34

605.06.R1 Internet Appropriate Use Regulation

605.06.R1 Internet Appropriate Use Regulation


I.    Responsibility for computer/network/Internet Appropriate Use

  1. The Board of Directors is legally responsible for all matters relating to the operation of the Harlan Community School District 
  2. The authority for appropriate use of computer/network/Internet resources is delegated to the trained staff employed by the school district.For the purpose of this policy, Internet is defined as the following:

            Internet is a collection of interconnected computer networks involving millions of computers and tens of millions of users around the world.  It is a collaboration of private, public, educational, commercial, governmental and industrial sponsored networks whose operators cooperate to maintain the network infrastructure.

      C. Training in the proper use of the computer/network/Internet system will be available to staff members who will then provide similar training to their students.

  1. All users are expected to practice appropriate use of the computer/network/Internet system.Violations of appropriate use will result in disciplinary action.Illegal uses of district computer/network/Internet resources may also result in referral to law enforcement authorities. 
  2. The Harlan Community School District will at all times employ technology protection measures designed to protect students from inappropriate access including sites that include obscenity, child pornography or are harmful to minors. 
  3. Staff, students, and others should have no expectation of privacy when using district computer/network/Internet resources.The district retains control, custody and supervision of all computers, networks, and Internet services owned or leased by the school district. The district reserves the right to monitor all computer and Internet activity by employees, students and other system users. Employees have no expectation of privacy in their use of school computers, including e-mail messages and stored files. 
  4. Employees are expected to use appropriate judgment and caution in communications concerning students and staff to ensure that personally identifiable information remains confidential.
  5. Staff and students shall be responsible for any losses, costs or damages incurred by the school district related to violations of this policy and/or these rules.


II.  Internet Access

      A.  Access to the Internet should be made available to all staff and students as a source of information and a vehicle of communication.

      B.  Staff and students will be able to access the Internet through their teachers as well as through individual accounts, if approved by the building administrator.   An Internet account will give access to the world wide web, ftp, Gopher, Telnet, Blogs, Newsgroups, etc. 

1.   Making Internet access available to students carries with it the potential that some students might encounter information that may not be appropriate for students.  However on a global network, it is impossible to control all materials.  Because information on the Internet appears, disappears, and changes, it is not possible to predict or control what students may locate.

2.   It is a goal to allow teachers and students access to the rich opportunities on the Internet, while protecting the rights of students and parents who choose not to risk exposure to questionable material.

3.  The smooth operation of the network relies upon the proper conduct of the end users who must adhere to strict guidelines requiring efficient, ethical, and legal utilization of network resources.

4.   In order to reduce unnecessary system traffic, users may use real-time conference features such as talk/chat/Internet relay chat only with the approval of the network administrator.

5.   Transmission of material, information or software in violation of any district, local, state, or federal law is prohibited. 

6.   Correct citation of material obtained over the Internet is required.

7.   Downloaded files must be checked for viruses in order to avoid spreading computer viruses in our local area networks (LANs).

8.   The school district makes no guarantees regarding the accuracy of the information received on the Internet.

III.  Permission to Use Internet

            Annually, the parent/guardian shall grant or deny student permission to use the Internet resources on a building-by-building (Primary, Intermediate, Middle School, High School) basis.  This will be done using the “Internet Access Permission Form for Students.”  Permission will remain in effect unless withdrawn by supervisory personnel under the terms of part V of this policy -- “Student Violations; Consequences and Notification'," or by the parent/guardian at any time.

IV.  Staff/Student Use of the Computer/network/Internet  

      A.  Equal Opportunity       

1.   Computer/network/Internet shall be available to all staff/students who have received training on its appropriate use, within the District through their teachers as well as through group and individual accounts.  The amount of time available to staff and students may be limited by the number of available CPU’s and the demand for use.

2.   The computer/network/Internet applications, which are available to individuals having a user account, are shared by everyone using that computer on the network.  It is important that individuals follow the procedures given in the training in order to ensure the smooth operation of the network for everyone on it.

B.  On-line/Network Etiquette

1.   The use of the Internet is a privilege and may be revoked for violation of Board policy or regulations.   As users of the Internet, staff and students are allowed access to other networks.  Each network has its own set of policies and procedures.  It is the user's responsibility to abide by the policies and procedures of these networks.

2.  Staff/Students must adhere to on-line protocol:

                 a     Respect all copyright and license agreements.

                 b.    Cite all quotes, references, and sources.

                 c.    Remain on the Internet long enough to get needed

                        information, then exit the Internet.

                 d.    Apply the same privacy, ethical, and educational

                        considerations utilized in other forms of communication.

3.   Staff and student access for electronic mail will be through their teachers as well as through individual accounts, if approved by the building administrator.  Remember that electronic mail is not private; never send private or confidential material.  Staff/Students must adhere to the following electronic mail guidelines.

                 a.    Read and download or delete email on a regular basis.

                 b.    Delete unwanted messages immediately.

                 c.    Use of vulgar and/or abusive language is prohibited.

                 d.    Always sign your name to messages.

                 e.    Always acknowledge that you have received a document or

                        file that someone has sent you.

                 f.     Mailing lists of any type may not be subscribed to unless                          permission is received in advance from the system                                administrator.

4.   Staff and student access to social networking sites (newsgroups, blogs, etc.) will be through staff, group, or individual accounts, if approved by the building administrator.

                  a.   Use of vulgar and/or abusive language is prohibited.

                  b.   Use of such sites during school hours must be approved by

                        the supervising teacher and be for school-related purposes


  1. Use of such sites outside of school hours using a school

District owned computing device is subject to the

Internet/Network Appropriate Use Policy.  Parents must notify the school district at the beginning of the school year if they do not want the school district to allow access to social networking sites outside of school hours.


      C.  Restricted Material


      Staff/students shall not intentionally access or download any text file or picture or engage in any form of communication that includes material which is obscene, sexually explicit, sexually suggestive, libelous, indecent, vulgar, profane, or lewd; advertises any product or service not permitted to minors by law; constitutes insulting words, the very expression of which injures or harasses others; or presents a clear and present likelihood that, either because of its content or the manner of distribution, it will cause a material and substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities, or will cause the commission of unlawful acts or the violation of lawful school regulations.    

      The Harlan Community School District will at all times employ  technology protection measures designed to protect students from inappropriate access including sites that include obscenity, child pornography or are harmful to minors.

      D.  Unauthorized Costs

The Harlan Community School District assumes no responsibility for unauthorized charges, costs or illegal use of district computer/network/Internet resources.  The school district assumes no responsibility for any unauthorized charges made by employees or students including but not limited to credit card charges, subscriptions, long distance telephone charges, equipment and line costs, or any illegal use of its computers such as copyright violations.  If a staff member or student gains access to any service via the district computer/network/Internet resources which has a cost involved, or if a staff member or student incurs other types of costs, the Harlan Community School District will not be responsible for those costs.  The staff member or student’s parents/ guardian will be responsible for those costs.

E.   Other Prohibited Uses

The employee or student is responsible for his/her actions and activities involving school department computers, networks, and Internet services and for his/her computer files, passwords, and accounts. General examples of unacceptable uses which are expressly prohibited include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Any use that is illegal or in violation of other Board policies, including harassing, discriminatory or threatening communications and behavior, violations of copyright laws, etc. 
  2. Any inappropriate communications with students or minors;
  3. Any use for private financial gain, or commercial, advertising or solicitation purposes; 
  4. Any use as a forum for communicating by e-mail or any other medium with other school users or outside parties to solicit, proselytize, advocate or communicate the views of an individual or non-school-sponsored organization; to solicit membership in or support of any non-school-sponsored organization; or to raise funds for any non-school-sponsored purpose, whether for-profit or not-for-profit. 
  5. No employee or student shall knowingly provide personal or school e-mail addresses to outside parties whose intent is to communicate with school employees, students and/or their families for non-school purposes. Employees who are uncertain as to whether particular activities are acceptable should seek further guidance from the building principal or other appropriate administrator.
  6. Any communication that represents personal views as those of the school department or that could be misinterpreted as such;
  7. Downloading or loading software or applications without permission from the system administrator.
  8. Opening or forwarding any e-mail attachments (executable files) from unknown sources and/or that may contain viruses;
  9. Sending mass e-mails to school users or outside parties for non-school purposes without the permission of the technology coordinator.
  10. Any malicious use or disruption of the school department's computers, networks, and Internet services or breach of security features;
  11. Any misuse or damage to the school department's computer equipment;
  12. Misuse of Passwords/Unauthorized Access : Sharing passwords, using other users' passwords and/or accessing other users' accounts; 
  13. Any communications that are in violation of generally accepted rules of network etiquette and/or professional conduct; 
  14. Any attempt to access unauthorized sites;
  15. Failing to report a known breach of computer security to the system administrator;
  16. Using school computers, networks, and Internet services after such access has been denied or revoked; and any attempt to delete, erase, or otherwise conceal any information stored on a school computer that violates these rules;
  17. The forwarding of chain letters.


V.   Student Violations; Consequences and Notifications:


Students who access and/or download inappropriate/objectionable items or send messages with vulgar/abusive threatening language while on the computer/network/Internet shall be subjected to the following consequences:


A.   First  Violation:

      For the first violation during the school's fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), a verbal and written "First Violation" warning notice will be issued to the student by the principal's office using the prescribed form.  The student will be assigned to 5 hours of school service.  A copy of the notice will be mailed to the student's parent/guardian by the building principal's office and a copy kept on file in the principal's office. 

B.   Second Violation:

      Upon the second violation during the school's fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), a verbal and written "Second Violation" infraction notice will be issued to the student by the principal's office using the prescribed form.  The student will be assigned to 10 hours of school service.  A copy of the notice will be mailed to the student's parent/guardian by the building principal's office and a copy kept on file in the building principal's office.

C.  Third Violation:

      Upon the third violation during the school's fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), a verbal and written "Third Violation" infraction notice will be issued to the student by the principal's office using the prescribed form.  The student will be subject to disciplinary measures which may include, but are not limited to, detention, suspension, probation, and expulsion.  A copy of the notice will be sent by registered mail to the student's parent/guardian by the building principal's office and a copy kept on file in the building principal's office. 

The administration and the Board of Education reserve the right to deviate from the suggested progression of consequences if the severity of the offense deems that appropriate.

VI.  Employee Violations:

Employees who are in violation of this policy and/or these rules are subject to discipline up to termination.

mameyer@hcsdcy… Fri, 10/25/2019 - 09:34