605.06.E2 Internet Appropriate Use Violation Notice

605.06.E2 Internet Appropriate Use Violation Notice


Student ________________________________ 

Administrator ___________________________ 

Date ___________________________________

Student Violations; Consequences and Notifications:

Students who access and/or download inappropriate/objectionable items or send messages with vulgar/abusive/threatening language while on the Internet shall be subjected to the following consequences:

____    First Violation:

      For the first violation during the school's fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), a verbal and written "First Violation" warning notice will be issued to the student by the principal's office using the prescribed form.  The student will be assigned to 5 hours of school service.  A copy of the notice will be mailed to the student's parent/guardian by the building principal's office and a copy kept on file in the principal's office. 

____    Second Violation:

      Upon the second violation during the school's fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), a verbal and written "Second Violation" infraction notice will be issued to the student by the principal's office using the prescribed form.  The student will be assigned to 10 hours of school service.  A copy of the notice will be mailed to the student's parent/guardian by the building principal's office and a copy kept on file in the building principal's office.

____    Third Violation:

      Upon the third violation during the school's fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), a verbal and written "Third Violation" infraction notice will be issued to the student by the principal's office using the prescribed form.  The student will be subject to disciplinary measures which may include, but are not limited to, detention, suspension, probation, and expulsion.  A copy of the notice will be sent by registered mail to the student's parent/guardian by the building principal's office and a copy kept on file in the building principal's office. 

The administration and the Board of Education reserve the right to deviate from the suggested progression of consequences if the severity of the offense deems that appropriate.

mameyer@hcsdcy… Fri, 10/25/2019 - 09:34