Board Meeting Agenda - 2021.04.12




April 12, 2021

6:00 p.m. 

Finance: Larsen and Rueschenberg    



  1. Call meeting to order and determination of a quorum
  2. Public Forum

In accordance with Policy 213 - Public Participation in Board Meetings the board recognizes the importance of citizen participation in school district matters.  In order to assure citizens are heard and board meetings are conducted efficiently and in an organized manner, the board has set aside this specific time for public comment.  

Citizens wishing to address the board during public comment must notify the board secretary no later than 2 hours prior to the board meeting. The board president will recognize these individuals to make their comments at the appropriate time during public comment.  Citizens wishing to present petitions to the board may also do so at this time.  The board however, will only receive the petitions and not act upon them or their contents.  

Normally, speakers will be limited to five minutes per individual or such time limit to not exceed 45 minutes total public participation time.  However, the board president may modify this time limit, if deemed appropriate or necessary.  Public comment is a time set aside for community input, but the board will not discuss or take any action on any matter during public comment.  Only individuals recognized by the board president will be allowed to speak.  Comments by others are out of order.  If disruptive, the individual causing disruption may be asked to leave the board meeting.

  1. Approve the Agenda
  2. Discussion Items
    1. City Use of the Water Well Located at Merrill Field
    2. ESSER Funds for Summer School
    3. Administrator Report
      1. Jeff Moser – Elementary Principal
  3. Action Items:
    1. Resignation of Personnel:
      1. Shelly Christensen – 2nd Grade Teacher and Building Instructional Leader
      2. Brian James – MS Girls Track Coach
      3. Troy Ransom – PT Night Custodian (4.9.2021)
      4. Mindy Shaffer – MS Associate, HS Student Council Sponsor, .5 MS Show Choir Sponsor
      5. Thomas Kurtz – MS Special Olympics Sponsor
      6. Steve Daeges – Head Baseball Coach
    2. Employment of Personnel:
      1. Heath Stein - Head Baseball Coach
      2. Lee Burchett – School Nurse/Health Occupations Teacher and HOSA Sponsor
    3. Approval of Master Agreement and Addendum A
    4. Approval of Administrators and Directors/Coordinators Pay Increase for 2021-2022
    5. Approval of School-Based Interventionists, Transportation, 9/10 Month Associates, Food Service, and 12 Month Non-Certified Staff Pay Increase for 2021-2022
    6. Approval of Retention Incentive Stipend
    7. Approval of Changes to the Agreement Between the City of Harlan and HCSD for the Use and Upkeep of the JJ Jensen Park Facilities
    8. Approval of Operational Sharing Agreement with Green Hills AEA (GHAEA) for Social Worker for 2021-2022
    9. Approval of Agreement for Librarian Services with Green Hills AEA (GHAEA) for 2021-2022
    10. Approval of Purchasing Agreement with Green Hills AEA (GHAEA) for 2021-2022
    11.  Approval of Disposition of Obsolete Equipment
    12.  Approval of Teaching Position(s) with ESSER Funds
  4. Consent Agenda

1. Minutes

                    1. March 8, 2021 – Regular Meeting

                    2. March 23, 2021 – Budget Hearing, Public Hearing, Special Meeting     

     2. Accounts Payable

                    1. March and April Pre-Paid Warrants

                    2. April General Fund (Operating Warrants)

                    3. Student Activity Fund Warrants

                    4. Trust Fund Warrants

                    5. Agency Fund Warrants

                    6. Physical Plant and Equipment Fund Warrants

3. Financial Reports

  1. Policy Review
    1. Policy Review – Second/Final Reading
      1. Policy 505.5 – Graduation Requirements
      2. Policy 713 - Electronic Records and Signatures
  2. Policy Review
    1. Policy Review – First Reading
      1. Policy 401.13 Staff Technology Use/Social Networking
      2. Policy 401.13R1 Staff Technology Use/Social Networking Regulation – DELETE
      3. Policy 401.12 Employee Use of Cell Phones
      4. Policy 401.12R1 Employee Use of Cell Phones Administrative Regulation
  3. Adjournment