504.05 Student Fund Raising


Permitted types of fund raising include:

  1. breakfasts, dinners, suppers which people attend on their own accord, with no door-to-door ticket sales; 
  2. booths set up for sales situated such as not to confront or solicit patrons: 
  3. advertised sales or promotions, via printed coupons or other utilization of media, mailings, or telephone contacts for information only,
  4. Solicitations of funds from businesses or individuals will be allowed on a limited basis, 
  5. other non-soliciting types of fund raising such as car washes, worker auctions, and bake sales.

Requests for such fundraising activities shall be submitted in writing to the building principal.  The building principal may reject or approve the requests.  All requests involving solicitations of funds from businesses or individuals will also require final approval from the superintendent. Certain requirements may be mandated as a condition of approval.

Auxiliary organizations are not governed by Board policies.  However, students shall not participate in soliciting types of fundraising for the support of any school-related organization or activity without the expressed consent of the building principal and superintendent.

Students may raise funds for school-sponsored events with the permission of the principal.  Fund raising by students for events other than school-sponsored events is not allowed.  Collection boxes for school fund raising must have prior approval from the principal before being placed on school property. 

It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the principal, to develop administrative regulations regarding this policy.

Legal Reference:      
Senior Class of Pekin High School v. Tharp, 154 N.W.2d 874 (Iowa 1967).
Iowa Code § 279.8

Cross Reference:      
502      Student Rights and Responsibilities
503      Student Discipline
504      Student Activities
704.5   Student Activities Fund
905.2   Advertising and Promotion

Adopted: 10.23.1989
Revised/Reviewed: 5.18.2020